Patterico's Pontifications


Jackson-Lee: “In Congress, We Have to Multi-Task”

Filed under: Government — DRJ @ 10:15 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Houston Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee held a town hall meeting today in Houston where she demonstrated her multi-tasking skills:

“Occasional chastising punctuated the rest of the meeting, some comments accusing her of wasting time when introducing a state politician who had joined the crowd and other jeers when she talked on her cell phone while a constituent posed a question to her.

“In Congress, we have to multi-task,” she explained.

Some constituents also complained that Jackson Lee did her best to dodge hard questions:

“Several of Jackson Lee’s constituents opposed to the health care plan complained the meetings were never posted on the congresswoman’s Web site. They also said they had called her office repeatedly but were only informed about the meetings when they called the day before it happened.
Jackson Lee is known for aggressively promoting her events by e-mailing and calling local news media. But the Houston Chronicle didn’t receive any notifications from her office about the Tuesday forum.”

I hope someone got a video of Jackson-Lee’s multi-tasking comment.



Start watching at 4:30 if you’re pressed for time. Simply amazing.

41 Responses to “Jackson-Lee: “In Congress, We Have to Multi-Task””

  1. Her and her buddies in the Democratic Congress have multi-tasked us into $2 trillion deficits, 10% unemployment, revenues dropping through the basement, AND the laughingstock of the entire world.

    Funny how the Democratic Congress (the ones who write the budgets) assumed power in January of ’07 and 9 months later the recession started.

    I got two words for Sheila: treason, handcuffs.

    DaveinPhoenix (a8af5f)

  2. 4th ward. For people who think Austin isn’t liberal enough.

    Oh man, I think Sheila is a wonderful addition to the congress. She has no self awareness, and is a useful caricature of democrats. Gerrymandering is an interesting thing. Her district isn’t all that far from Tom Delay’s old district.

    Juan (bd4b30)

  3. I am addicted to my CrackBerry, but even I kniw basic cellphone etiquette.


    JD (7a2548)

  4. Affirmative Action. Gotta love it.

    HeavenSent (01a566)

  5. if we would just give Congress better tools, they could more adequately demonstrate their complete incompetence.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  6. Instead of multi-tasking, how about mastering single-tasking first – like read the Constitution would be a good start

    the Virginian (0635b6)

  7. If she was any worse, she would be fast-tracked as a future Speaker.

    AD - RtR/OS! (8e13bc)

  8. LOL @ #7

    the Virginian (0635b6)

  9. “In Congress, we have to multi-task,” she explained.

    I am reminded of the saying “Jack-of-all-trades, master of none.”

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  10. This is the only video I could find. I did not hear the multi-tasking comment. It may be there, or not.

    Ira (28a423)

  11. she was getting talking points from pelosi.

    ‘you know nancy, i think i’ve got them coming over to our side. once they see how hard i’m working for them – multi-tasking and everything it’ll be cake. think we should try this nationally?’

    what a joke. the only reason she was elected was because she’s blond and good looking.

    ktr (e4fcbd)

  12. no wait, i was thinking of another blond from georgia whose name escapes me. recently, she was out on a boat somewhere and got accidently arrested, ‘don’t you know who i am?’

    a bunch of nincompoops if you ask me. let’s get rid of them all.

    ktr (e4fcbd)

  13. […] Patterico’s Pontifications » Jackson-Lee: “In Congress, We Have to Multi-Task” Easy AdSense by Unreal Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) Leave a comment Trackback […]

    Patterico’s Pontifications » Jackson-Lee: “In Congress, We Have to Multi-Task” – She takes phone call while being asked questioned | Are You Freaking Stupid? (4579df)

  14. You are all racists.

    This is going to be reported to

    Prepare to be re-educated cause Obuma has equated national Healthcare with the Post Office.

    Now no shit folks, how stupid is that comparison if you want to “sell” something? The fact is he finally told the truth and he’s too dumb to notice that it won’t benefit his argument.

    krusher (5ed94c)

  15. Don’t you proles you your place??

    Techie (482700)

  16. Excuse me, but are the Democrats trying to replace John Deere Manure Spreaders?

    PCD (02f8c1)

  17. The Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise. Pass it on.

    kazooskibum (a4dd38)

  18. Don’t you proles you your place??


    quasimodo (4af144)

  19. I love it when people think they are using subtle psycholgical techniques to put people off their game. Using a cell phone when someone is talking to you shows disregard in a passive aggressive manner. Hm, I’ll stand her and pretend I care, but it is wasting my precious time, just so you know. Or it could have been the blind date manuever. “Hey call me at 7:00, just in case I need an excuse to get out of there”.

    jpenaz (c68703)

  20. She could not walk down the street anbd chew gum at the same time.

    JD (616de0)

  21. Jackson-Lee is the moron that thinks the Mars Rover will find the Apollo landing sites.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  22. More cowardice and arrogance from our alleged betters. I’d tell them to read about Marie Antoinette, but they’d probably think I was talking about a new champagne that they’ve just got to try!

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  23. My guess is if you could get the phone records for Shelia, it would show nobody was on the line with her during the Town Hall meeting and she was just listening to dead air (I’d say this actually shows Jackson-Lee can multi-task by thinking and breathing at the same time, except that the cellphone trick is almost as old a cellphones themselves, since I saw Michael Irvin pull the same thing at a Dallas Cowboys’ charity event back in 1992 when he didn’t want to be bothered by autograph seekers).

    John (f82202)

  24. Shouldn’t PCD be spending more time writing elegant and insightful posts on his own site?

    Hey PCD, how do you feel about education? I’ll bet you’re against it; the dumber society gets the more likely they will flock to your site since you will be writing to their level.

    Nobody you personally know (e7c459)

  25. I’m surprised she got asked an embarrassing question. The Democrats have now figured out how to handle the town meetings. They bus in their own audience and even provide their own version of Nazi memorabilia. Pelosi was right. There are Nazis. She hired them.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  26. Jackson-Lee wears slip-on shoes because she can’t multi-task each hand to tie her laces. When the Democrats were in the minority it was funny but now it’s scary.

    MU789 (e214d1)

  27. Dems have been guilty of manufacturing grassroots activism for well over 40 years, yet they seem somehow incapable of recognizing the real thing when it’s right in front of them, standing up and talking back. Dems seem determined to deny the obvious reality that the majority of Americans, and the vast majority of the elderly oppose this insane health care program, and rightly so.

    Clearly, the Democrat Party is attempting to rule against the will of the people. They’ve ridiculed protesters in Congress and in the media, they’ve called out the union thugs to intimidate concerned citizens, and they’ve ducked and dodged on the issue of finance to the point of absurdity. It’s as though Obama thinks he can rule by decree, with only the shadow of representative government to cover his iron fist.

    This is not the way to govern a free people.

    Ropelight (6f0b7c)

  28. Houston Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

    Just imagine what the overall conditions of communities that elect people similar to her would be like if common sense prevailed instead of tons of flaky, BS liberalism.

    People often mention or think of the most superficial (or non-ideological) aspects of the populace of a community when dealing with “black America,” or “white America” or “Latino America,” or “Asian America,” or “gay and straight America,” or “Jewish or Christian America, or “secular America,”, etc, etc.

    My immediate thought is what type of politics or ideology dominates the people in question? And in general terms, if the answer is “they lean left,” then one needs to be very wary, very suspicious, very skeptical.

    Mark (411533)

  29. Sheila can multi-task – She can lie to your face, call you a racist, and spend your money all at the same time.

    JD (959071)

  30. “Houston Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee”

    Being from Texas and being a PROUD Texican, I can’t tell you how difficult it is to admit to ANYONE that SJL (i can’t even bring myself to type out her name) is from a district in Texas. I keep hoping her district will wake up and remove this joke from the list of Texan representatives.

    Teh Won (85dcd7)

  31. Video is now up on Drudge.

    G (e8071c)

  32. think something’s wrond here. there’re 30 comments, but only 10 showing up on both of my home computer’s.

    ktr (e4fcbd)

  33. SJLee is my representative. “Jackson Lee will discuss health care again at a town hall meeting Wednesday 7 p.m.-8p.m. at Tidwell Multi-Service Center, 9720 Spaulding”. I think I will attend this meeting – published in the Houston Chronicle yesterday in an article that talked about her hiding the details of her townhall meetings – just inviting friendly people personally. Not that she cares one bit about my concerns! And the republicans can never find anyone serious to run against her. The mystery opponent usually gets about 10% of the vote without spending a dime on ads of any sort.

    Bonnie (13a52f)

  34. The Dems got killed by the “Silent Majority” at the Presidential level.
    When they realize that the SM has found its’ voice, they will be terrorized!

    AD - RtR/OS! (6269f6)

  35. Her husband is a big muckety-muck at the Univ. of Houston. His baby is career services for students. The place is a train wreck. They regularly do things like send music majors to interview with engineering firms, greatly pissing off the companies that they should be trying to please. No one will touch him or his office, though, because they know the good representative will rain crap down on them if they do.

    webster (f3509e)

  36. Does she also walk and chew gum at the same time?

    rochf (ae9c58)

  37. Folks, y’all need to understand: Ms. Jackson Lee can’t be wasting her time on this health care B.S.

    I mean, a woman of her caliber must devote her precious time to REALLY important matters.

    For example, here’s the link to the resolution she proposed to honor THE GREATEST HUMAN BEING WHO EVER LIVED (aka Michael Jackson):

    Bubba Maximus (456175)

  38. You cannot use a careless indiscretion perpetrated by a single government official to judge the entire democratic party, or for that matter, the whole of the current U.S. Governement.

    No matter how heinous the Tuskegee Experiments were, the system and individuals who instituted those practices are long gone, and it has little relevance to the current debate.

    Ben (294642)

  39. […] Lee. You know, the one where Sheila interrupted a question from a constituent because she had to answer her cell phone. This is the same meeting where Sheila took a sympathetic question from the self appointed (plant) […]

    Liberals Are Liberal On Everything Except Liberty « Anti-Liberal (46b2e2)

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